1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 土木工程力学(本)
  • 政治组织机构和政治人物经常更换是政治不稳定的证据。对 错政治学原理
  • 20、- What do you think of this novel? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.I've read it. B.It's well-written. C.It was written by my uncle. D.I bought it yesterday.统考英语交际英语
  • 为打退国民党军队在重庆谈判期间发动的军事进攻,解放区军民进行了哪些战役A、邯郸战役B、津浦战役C、平绥战役D、上党战役中国近现代史纲要
  • 生物资源主要指各种野生动植物资源,种类十分繁多。 农业概论
  • 认识企业和品牌、形成综合印象首先产生作用的要素。视觉识别基本要素设计完成后,主要应用企业各个方面,那么所谓视觉应用设计是指:( )。(A) 对反映和强化企业的理念特征和品牌特点的字体和书写格式的精心设计 (B) 把视觉基本要素统一运用到企业各个有关项目上,以达到全方位的静态识别的目的。其内容一般包括办公类用品、营业类用品、广告、传播类用品和《CIS手册》等的设计 (C) 对选定的代表品牌形象的特殊颜色的特别设计 (D) 把有关的视觉要素根据需要,以一定的形式组合成一个整体广告学
  • 14、Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who live in them. City-dwellers(居住在城市的人)have to adopt an unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature so that they are hardly conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park may remind people that it is spring or summer and a few leaves on the roadside may remind them that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally unrelated to them. All the simple, good things of life, such as sunshine and fresh air are far away. Tall buildings blot out(把…遮住) the sun, and waste gases from cars pollute the air. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. In the night, it is almost as bright and noisy as it is in the day and people are busy with what they hope to deal with. The funny thing about it all is that city-dwellers pay dearly for living in the city. The prices for houses are so high that it is often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house of their own. High rents must be paid for small flats which even country hens would dislike to live in. Moreover, the cost of living is very high. Everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.统考英语阅读理解