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 高等继续教育 / 机械设计

题型描述: 简答题


  • 32[多选题] 行政行为以是否应当具备一定的法定形式为标准可分为(          ) A.内部行政行为 B.外部行政行为 C.要式行政行为 D.具体行政行为行政法学
  • 剩余价值率是 马克思主义基本原理
  • WPS表格中,通常把每一行称为一个( )。 高级办公自动化
  • 下列关于直线制监理组织形式说法有误的一项是( )。直线制监理组织形式是一种线性组织结构,其本质就是使命令线性化 直线制监理组织形式中每一个工作部门、每一个工作人员都只有一个上级 直线制监理组织形式整个组织结构中自下而上实行垂直领导 直线制监理组织形式通常不设职能机构,只设职能人员协助主管人工作建设监理
  • 41、 毛泽东最早提出“马克思主义中国化”科学命题的会议是() A.遵义会议 B.瓦窑堡会议 C.中共六届六中全会 D.中共七大毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:17 Ming: O.K. guys. Let’s warm up and stretch. We’ve got to work on balance and flexibility. Peter: So Ming. When did you get 1 (1) this Karate stuff? Kenji: Karate’s Japanese. Ming’s showing us Tae Kwon Do, and it’s Korean. Peter: Cool. So, what’s the 2 (2)? Ming: Tae Kwon Do uses hundreds of different 3 (3) moves. But Karate…well, Kenji, sounds like you know something about Karate. Kenji: Yeah – Karate uses more punches and 4 (4), too. Maybe you’ve seen guys break wooden boards with punches. You know, like… I learned that when I was in 5 (5). Peter: That’s great. I 6 (6) I could do that. So, Ming, why did you get into Tae Kwon Do? Ming: I had a Korean friend in 7 (7) school, and he said it could help me get in 8 (8) and build my confidence. So I tried it, and I really liked it. Peter: It looks like you succeeded. Ming: Well, I’m still working on it. I’ve really improved my 9 (9) and power. It also helps you 10 (10)—you’ll see. Peter: Awesome! Let’s get started.高级英语听说(1)