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 成人高等教育 / 学前儿童健康教育

要提高游戏的趣味性可以从三个方面入手:创编游戏情景;增加游戏的竞争性;(  )。

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 36、下列四种文件格式中,属于音频文件的格式是______。 A.JPG格式 B.MP3格式 C.DAT格式 D.MIC格式计算机统考
  • 17、Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a _ _ 21 _ _ shop, no assistant will come near to you and say, "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. You may try to find out _ _ 22 _ _ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is not interested in selling any book at all. There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical student _ _ 23 _ _ a very useful book in the shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read _ _ 24 _ _ at a time. One day, however, he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book _ _ 25 _ _ , "I put it there so as not to be sold out," said the assistant. Then he left the student to go on with his reading.统考英语完型填空
  • 加工某一零件需经三道工序,已知第一、二、三道工序的不合格品率分别是2%,3%,4%,若各道工序互不影响,则最终产品的不合格率是()。 质量管理学
  • 项目可靠是因为项目具备有成长性和发展能够给大家带来回报创新创业:理论实践与应用
  • 61、在Windows 的“资源管理器”中,改变文件属性应选择“文件”菜单项中的______命令。 A.运行 B.搜索 C.属性 D.重命名计算机统考
  • 一般来讲,( )只有在民主社会和宪政国家中才能存在和实现。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月7日 0点12分 政治学原理