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  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Halloween(October 31) This is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many countries. Although it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in theUnited States. It is now celebrated largely as a children's day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand. The orange pumpkin is harvested at this time of year and is hollowed out, a funny face cut into it, and a candle placed inside as a decoration in the window. City folks, nowadays, sometimes use paper pumpkins for decorations. Some years ago, the holiday was celebrated by dressing up in strange and frightening costumes and playing tricks on one's neighbors and friends, such as ringing door bells, throwing bits of corn on the window panes, and in other ways making minor disturbances. More recently, children come to the door to have friends and neighbors admire their costumes and guess who they are behind the false faces and receive treats of candy, fruit or cookies. They say, “Trick or Treat", meaning, “I will play a trick on you will not give me a treat." This practice has even more recently developed into a significant international activity. Instead of or along with candy, the children collect money for UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). This special collection of money by children for needy children throughout the world is known as “UNICEF Trick of Treat". Begun only recently, it results in several million dollars each year contributed to UNICEF. The collection box is orange, reminiscent of the pumpkin.英语阅读I
  • .2017年7月,大华公司决定以库存商品和交易性金融资产——B股票与A公司交换其持有的长期股权投资和固定资产――设备一台。大华 公司库存商品账面余额为150万元,公允价值(计税价格)为200万元;B股票的账面余额为260万元(其中:成本为210万元,公允价值变动为50万 元),公允价值为300万元。A公司的长期股权投资的账面余额为300万元,公允价值为336万元;固定资产――设备的账面原值为240万元,已计提折旧 100万元,公允价值144万元,另外A公司向大华公司支付银行存款54万元作为补价。大华公司和A公司换入的资产均不改变其用途。 假设两公司都没有为资产计提减值准备,整个交易过程中没有发生除增值税以外的其他相关税费,大华公司和A公司的增值税税率均为17%。非货币性资产交换具有商业实质且公允价值能够可靠计量。 要求: (1)计算A公司换入各项资产的成本; (2)编制A公司有关会计分录。高级财务会计
  • 两项交易观点,以交易发生作为交易完成的标志,认为交易的发生及嗣后的账款结算是两项不同的经济业务。国家开放大学
  • 下列关于集体合同的说法,不正确的有 生活中的法律
  • 教育部考核的讲解技能主要有两大类:_______________,事实性知识的讲解。课堂教学技能培养与训练
  • 折合质量越小,伸缩振动频率越高。()分析化学