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 国家开放大学 / 数据库应用技术

7. 为变量赋值的语句中,错误的是( )。

SET @X = 10

SELECT @X = 10

SET @X = 10 + 10       

SET @X = 10 + 'A'
  • .剪短直线的工作属于感官教育。 专业证书课程
  • Over half the population of this country sport.A、partcipate withB、participate toC、participateD、participate in电子商务英语
  • –I’m impressed. When you gave directions to the taxi driver, you sounded just like a native. Do you understand everything now?–                                 a.Well, not quite. I still have trouble expressing myself.b.A little. But I used to have a lot of trouble with the pronunciation.c.Not everything. I still have some trouble understanding people, especially when hey speak fast.综合英语(2)
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  • 低温条件下使用汽车时,不需要注意汽车的预热和保温。 汽车运用基础
  • 近代中国睁眼看世界的第一人是( )。(A) 康有为 (B) 林则徐 (C) 魏源 (D) 李鸿章中国近现代史纲要