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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语交际英语

73、- Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A.Not at all.
B.Sure, go ahead.
C.Why not?
D.Yes, I would.
  • 设A,B为两个随机事件,且,则下列式子正确的是( )(A)(B)(C)(D)[参考答案:A]  分值:4(A)(B)(C)(D)概率论与数理统计
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解What do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with the money we have,what we can’t buy because we don’t have enough and what we’re planning to buy when we have more. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favorite shops and restaurants, the causes we support, the places we’ve been and seen. We share dreams that only money can make real. In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversational taboo. This is a shame, because money is at least as interesting as the things it does and buys, and the more you know about it, the more interesting it is. As a financial advisor, Iˊve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting it control them watched as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously. Wouldn’t you like to know that you’ll always have enough money to live exactly as you want to? You’ll never be powerful in life until you’re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it is the first step.1、 In daily life, people often talk about money openly. A. F B. T 2、 Talking openly about money is the first step to control it. A. F B. T 3、 Many people believe that only money can make our dreams come into being. A. T B. F 4、 Many people learn to handle money because they like money. A. T B. F 5、 People don’t think about what they can buy with money when they talk about money. A. F B. T统考英语A
  • windows7使用屏幕保护程序时,下列说法正确的是( )。 计算机应用基础
  • (A)(B)(C)(D)工程制图
  • 砭石在《内经》时代主要用于哪些病种的治疗?( ) 刺法灸法学
  • 设 A 是 n 元集(n ³ 1), 则从 A 到 A 的函数中,下面结论正确的有: A、 双射函数有 n!个; B、 单射函数有 n!个; C、 满射函数有 n!个; D、 函数有 n!个.离散数学(上)