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 高等继续教育 / 病理生理学(基础医学)

题型描述: 判断题
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译我满怀着学习的愿望离开了井台。每件东西都有名字,每个名字都引出一个新的概念。回到屋里以后,仿佛我所接触的每一件东西都活了,因为我是用刚刚产生的这种新奇的视角来看待一切的。一进门,我就想起了被我摔碎的娃娃。我摸索着走到壁炉前,捡起碎片。.我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来了。 我的眼里随即充满了泪水,因为我意识到自己做了一件什么事,我第一次感到后悔,感到难过。那一天我学了许多新词,也记不清都有哪些词了。但是其中肯定有“母亲”、“父亲”、“姐姐”、“老师”——后来就是这些词把一个美好的世界展现在我的面前,就像《圣经》上说的“亚伦的杖开了花”一样。在这个意义重大的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上回顾一天的欢乐,恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了。我生平第一次盼望新的一天快快到来。英汉翻译(英语教育)
  • 箱形基础的底板应按( )选择子目。建筑工程概预算
  • 分类法一般采用一定的标识符号作为排序的工具。正确错误信息组织学
  • 国家结构形式主要是调整( )宪法学(专)
  • 题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分) Why Volunteer? Volunteering is a great way to get work experience, and may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way. Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others' help. Even now you might be on both sides of the service cycle: maybe you are a tutor for someone who can't read, while last month the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you to the emergency room. Volunteering also includes “self-help.” So if you are active in your neighborhood crime watch, your home is protected while you protect your neighbors' homes, too. It's a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. In a word, adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone's lives better.   操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。 1. After you have helped others, you might回答ABC正确获得2.00分中的2.00分.  A. get guidance from someone else and maybe get a job.  B. feel that you're not as fortunate as others.  C. feel that you are special. 2. What is the meaning of the word “initiative” in paragraph1? 回答ABC正确获得2.00分中的2.00分  A. benefit  B. positive power   C. energy 3. Volunteering is a great way to get 回答ABC正确获得2.00分中的2.00分.  A. a lot of money to become rich.  B. work experience and learn new skills.  C. pride in daily life. 4. When we help others we internally(本质上)回答ABC正确获得2.00分中的2.00分  A. help ourselves.  B. benefit from others.  C. get something different in life. 5. By volunteering, we can make回答ABC正确获得2.00分中的2.00分.  A. you protect your neighbors' homes.  B. the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you.  C. one's life easier and happier.反馈答案:1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C解析: 1. 这是一道推断题。本题询问“在帮助别人之后,你可能会…”第一段第三句话告诉读者,“更好的是,你可能会遇见给你指导建议的人,或许还可以得到一份有偿的工作”,所以选A。2. 这是一道词义辨析题。第一段的第四句意为如果你主动学习新事物,老板会对你印象深刻,benefit,有益,受益,energy,能量,所以选B。3. 这是一道细节题。第一段中已经提到了志愿者工作是一个获取新技能和工作经验的途径,在第二段也可以看出并不是它获取钱财的途径,也不是为了在生活中得到骄傲的方法。所以选B。4. 这是一道推断题。第二段中提到了“也许今天你有能力帮助别人,但明天你可能是他人志愿服务的接受者。”,并且是一个双赢,可以推断出帮助别人本质上就是自救,所以选A。5. 这是一道推断题。这篇小短文通过叙述做志愿者工作的各种好处,倡导做志愿服务不仅仅是帮助别人,更是帮助自己,会使整个社会更加和谐美满,会使人类生活更加简单快乐,所以选C。人文英语2