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 高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要

  • 在账户的借方登记增加数的有(    )。(A) 资产 (B) 费用 (C) 成本 (D) 负债会计学原理
  • 24、Mr. Simpson worked in a shop which sold, cleaned and repaired hearing-aids(助听器). One day an old gentleman entered and put one down in front of him without saying a word. "What's the matter with it?" Mr. Simpson said. The man didn't answer. Of course Mr. Simpson thought the old man must be deaf and that his hearing-aid must be faulty, so he said again, more loudly, "What's wrong with your hearing-aid, sir?" Again the man said nothing. So Mr. Simpson shouted his question again as loudly as he could. The man then took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote: "It is not necessary to shout when you are speaking with me. My ears are as good as yours. The hearing-aid is my wife's, not mine. I've just had a throat(咽喉) operation, and my problem is not that I can't hear, but that I can't speak."统考英语阅读理解
  • 具有如下化学结构的药物的名称为A、长春瑞滨B、羟基喜树碱C、甲氨喋呤D、米托蒽醌药物化学
  • 肺炎链球菌的致病物质主要是: A、 内毒素 B、 外毒素 C、 侵袭性酶 D、 荚膜 E、 菌毛病原生物学
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shangrila Hotel is just _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fifteen-minute walk from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ university campus. 大学英语
  • 37、在Word 2010的文档中插入数学公式,在“插入”选项卡中应使用的命令是______。 A.符号 B.图片 C.公式 D.文件计算机统考