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 国家开放大学 / 公务员制度讲座





  • 房间的(    )是指平面图中相邻两道横向定位轴线之间的距离。 建筑识图CAD
  • 以下各项中,除法律、行政法规另有规定的外,行政机关应当通过招标、拍卖等公平竞争的方式作出行政许可的事项是   (     ) 行政诉讼法与行政法
  • 法律、法规授权的组织行使授予的行政职权时侵犯相对人的合法权益的造成损害的,赔偿义务机关是(   ) 行政诉讼法与行政法
  • 在减数分裂过程中,同源染色体间开始出现染色体片段的交换和重组的这个时期称为( )。 细胞生物学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解My grandparents can be good fun. They are retired, so they don't work anymore. My grandfather is 68 and my grandmother is 67, but they are not too old to be active. They exercise by playing golf and they go out for meals and to the theater. Sometimes they take me out, too. We have a good time. They also go on great holidays. Last year, they went to China and walked along the Great Wall!Sometimes, my grandparents like to criticize me. They think that children today have an easy life. Life was very different when they were young and there are many things about my life that they do not understand. They tell me, over and over, how they had to start work at 16. They know that I will go on to university and won't be getting a job until I am 22! They also think that I have too many possessions, such as mobile phones, computers and PSPs. When they were young, they did not have anything like that. What they do not realize is that they cannot compare children at present time. They had the same kinds of things as the rest of people of their age, so do I. It would be very strange if I only had the possessions that they had when they were my age.1、 My grandparents don't understand many things about my life. A. FALSE B. TRUE 2、 The sentence "but they are not too old to be active" means that they are old, so they are not active. A. FALSE B. TRUE 3、 Grandparents had the same kinds of things as people of their age when they were young. A. FALSE B. TRUE 4、 Grandparents don't work anymore because they are tired. A. FALSE B. TRUE 5、 My grandparents sometimes criticize me. One reason is that children today have an easy life. A. FALSE B. TRUE统考英语B
  • Robert could not his relief.A、concealB、concernC、concealedD、concerned电子商务英语