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  • 中国历史上的第一部专门的国际私法立法是《法律适用条例》。国际私法学
  • 2[填空题] Women have an average life   1   of seven years longer than men and tend to marry men older than themselves; so two-thirds (six million) of all older women are widows.   2   widowed they do not have the same social prerogatives as older men to   3   and marry those who are younger.   4  , they are likely to end up alone—an ironic   5   of events when one remembers that most of them were raised from childhood to consider   6   the only acceptable state. The sheriff follows the county attorney   7   the other room. Then Mrs. Hale rises, hands  8 _   together,   9   intensely at Mrs. Peters, whose eyes make a slow turn, finally  10  Mrs. Hale’s. A moment Mrs. Hale holds her, then her own eyes   11   the way to where the box is concealed.   12   Mrs. Peters throws back quilt pieces and tries to put the box in the bag she is wearing. A company that delivers value   13   customer intimacy builds   14   with customers like those between good neighbors. Customer-intimate companies don’t deliver what the market wants       15   what a specific customer wants. The customer-intimate company   16   a business of knowing the people it sells to and the products and services they need. It continually   17   its products and services and does so at   18   prices. Childhood’s   19   never asks to be proved (all conclusions are absolute). I didn’t question why Mrs. Flowers had   20   me out for attention, nor did it   21   me that Momma might have asked her to give me a little talking to. All I   22   was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her   23   book. It was   24   to 25   that she liked me. A. via                   B. reasonable        C. enough              D. cared about E. logic                 F. occur to            G. tailors               H. bonds I. but                    J. makes                K. singled              L. into M. expectancy        N. turn                O. date            P tight Q. meeting            R. As a result        S. When           T. point U. Suddenly          V. favorite            W. marriage       X. looking   Y.prove河南理工大学
  • 简述组织设计的一般程序。管理学原理
  • 准同期并列的实际条件中,对频率差的要求是不大于_______ Hz。电力系统自动装置
  • 美国洛克希德(Lock-heed)公司的联机检索系统是( )信息检索
  • 简述胸廓扩张度的检查方法?诊断学