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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

11、在PowerPoint 2010 幻灯片中,若要直接插入*.AVI格式文件的方法是______。
  • 下面与细胞衰老机制无关的理论是( )。 细胞生物学
  • 193、微型计算机的核心是______。 A.微处理器 B.控制器 C.运算器 D.存储器计算机统考
  • 16、My friend's grandfather came to America from Eastern Europe. After being processed (移民入境检查) at Ellis Island, he went into a cafeteria in Lower Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at a table and waited for someone to take his order. But nobody came to him. Later a woman with a plate full of food sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked. “Start out at the end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end he'll tell you how much you have to pay.” “I soon learned that's how everything works in America,” the grandfather told my friend. “Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you are willing to pay the money. You can even get success, but you'll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”统考英语阅读理解
  • 甲向乙购买临街铺面房一间,成交后未办理房屋产权变更登记。随后,甲以该房屋作为出资,与乙共同创办了一家合伙商店。一年后,甲因私人债务与丙签订合同,将此房屋抵押与丙。乙提出异议。对此案应如何认定?( )A、合伙企业成立和房屋抵押合同均为无效B、合伙企业成立有效,房屋抵押合同无效C、合伙企业成立和房屋抵押合同均为有效D、合伙企业成立无效,房屋抵押合同有效物权法
  • 23、下面关于Word 2010标题栏的叙述中,错误的是______。 A.双击标题栏,可最大化或还原Word窗口 B.拖曳标题栏,可将最大化窗口拖到新位置 C.拖曳标题栏,可将非最大化窗口拖到新位置 D.Word标题栏显示所运行的软件名称及其所打开的文档名称计算机统考
  • George is studying _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chinese geography and his sister Ann is studying _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ history of China. 大学英语