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 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(1)

– Could you tell me where the tissues are, please?
– _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

a.It’s under a big tree in front of the art building.
b.All the way in the back, against the wall.
c.I’ll go to the store and get some more.
  • 简述科学精神的涵义。现代教育思想
  • 一般来说,零件的提取尺寸愈接近公称尺寸越好。 A、正确 B、错误电机与拖动
  • 卖方地位地位谈判的特征是( )。a.情报性强、掏钱难b.度势压人c.虚实相映、紧疏结合、主动出击d.占有绝对优势商务谈判实务
  • (        )是实现政治稳定的根本途径。 政治学原理#
  • The housewives who went to the supermarket were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the first several weeks.a.poorb.fortunate  c.angryd.ambitious综合英语(1)
  • 【单选题】糖尿病常见症状的“三多一少”是(        )。 a.多饮多睡多食少尿b.多饮多尿多食消瘦c.多饮多尿多睡少食d.多饮多尿多食少睡生活方式与常见疾病预防