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 国家开放大学 / 生活中的法律


A. 涉及行政许可的,由经国务院批准的省、自治区、直辖市政府决定
B. 限制人身自由的行政处罚只能由公安机关行使,不得交由其他行政机关行使
C. 涉及行政处罚的,由国务院或者经国务院授权的省、自治区、直辖市政府决定
D. 由公安机关行使的行政许可,不得交由其他行政机关行使
  • 根据增值税法律制度的规定,下列服务中,免征增值税的有( )。 纳税基础与实务
  • 18、《施工合同示范文本》中规定,索赔事件发生(       )日内,承包人应向工程师发出索赔意向通知。 A. 14 B. 10 C. 28 D. 56工程招投标与合同管理
  • 12 传统的课程评价过多的强调评价的(       )。 A.甄别和选拔功能 B.反馈功能 C.诊断功能 D.发展功能小学数学教学设计
  • 39、一个支路的电流与其回路的电阻的乘积等于电功。()风力发电技术及工程
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解 By the time the Olympics begin in Atlanta this summer, the business world will have spent more than $ 1 billion to link their names and products to the Olympic Games. There are 10 Worldwide Sponsors, 10 Centennial Olympic Partners, about 20 regular sponsors and more than a hundred licensees. The Atlanta Games will boast an “official" scouring pad and timepiece, two official game shows, and three official vehicles: a family car, an import minivan and a luxury sedan. But what exactly do these companies reap for their huge investment? At the very least, they command tickets to the most popular events, invitations to the best parties and prime hotel rooms. But most of all, according to US Postal Service, it is purchasing the right to spend money. And the right to spend money is expensive. The biggest backers, Olympic sponsors like Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Mcdonald's and Xerox, commit up to $ 40 million. But, getting the rights to the Olympic rings is only half the battle. The other half is the challenge to sort of wrap their product brands around that image. Often that means TV time. And at roughly $ 400 000 per 30-second spot, some of the biggest sponsors have already locked up every commercial slot in their product categories that NBC has to sell. Not everyone is convinced that the Games are worth the price of business admission. The biggest and most conspicuous naysayer is Nike. Its spokesman says:“If I see a Reebok official who may not be in the best shape firing the starting pistol and Carl Lewis wearing Nike shoes, I'm going to go with Carl because that's the authentic link." Nike's strategy is hard to argue with - instead of sponsoring the Olympics, it sponsors Olympians. Yet even Nike wants a piece of the Atlantic action. Along with some other nonsponsors, Nike is trying to dot downtown Atlanta with billboards. Advertisement, it's another Olympic event.英语阅读I
  • 57、票据权利经济法