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 国家开放大学 / 应用化学基础

元素性质呈周期性变化的原因是( )。



  • 使用白盒测试方法时,确定测试数据应根据( )和指定的覆盖标准。程序的内部结构程序的复杂性使用说明书程序的功能软件测试
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空You will find that college classes are very different from high school classes. You will have more work and responsibilities without being pushed as much. _ _ _ _ , you will have more freedom – freedom to choose what to study, when to study, or _ _ _ _ to study. You will need to exercise maximum self-discipline. This is the hardest kind of discipline because it is self-imposed(志愿的),and you have only yourself to _ _ _ _ . The decisions you make _ _ _ _ your study habits will be a _ _ _ _ factor in your success, or lack of success in college. _ _ _ _ , you will discover that your instructors _ _ _ _ the ones you have had previously. They will expect you to more _ _ _ _ in your study habits and time management. Remember that much of your learning takes place outside the classroom. Your instructor will give you additional help outside of class if there is evidence that you are putting maximum effort into the course. _ _ _ _ your abilities and skill mastery, you will need to manage your time effectively in order to succeed in college. A schedule _ _ _ _ efficient use of time will enable you to include both work and play. When you get a job, you will soon discover that you do not work only when you wish and as you wish.1、 A. On the other hand B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. On the one hand 2、 A. who B. whether C. why D. if 3、 A. act as B. turn to C. respond to D. answer to 4、 A. to B. of C. concerning D. towards 5、 A. deciding B. determining C. depending D. demanding 6、 A. In addition B. However C. Nevertheless D. Except that 7、 A. differ from B. are alike C. are similar to D. differ in 8、 A. plunge…yourself B. take…part C. take…initiative D. throw…yourself 9、 A. Concerning B. In spite of C. On the condition of D. Regardless of 10、 A. relied on B. carried on C. related to D. based on统考英语A
  • 在Windows中,快捷方式只是指向对象的指针,其图标左下角有一个小箭头。 A、正确 B、错误计算机应用基础
  • 在情绪调节的种类中,( )主要指人们主动地维持对自己有益的正情绪,如快乐、喜悦等。修正调节维持调节增强调节以上都不对普通心理学
  • [单选题] 表征交通流特性的三个基本参数不包括() A.交通量 B.行车速度 C.车流密度 D.交通拥堵交通系统分析
  • 微积分(上)