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 河南成教 / 大学英语(I)


Shlander is a man from space. He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his letter. Read it and answer the questions.

Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head, two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day, they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to pace in tin boxes.

At night, the earth monsters like to look at a square window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it.

71. Shlander thinks the people and things on the earth are very ______.

A. strange                                  B. nice 

C. different                                 D. beautiful

72. Shlander thinks man on the earth is ______.

A. a monkey                              B. a earth monster 

C. a tin box                               D. a strange world

73. The earth monster doesn’t have ________.

A. heads, arms and legs                     B. brown or yellow strings on its head 

C. a hole on its face                         D. a swing on its body

74. The earth monsters don’t put ______ on their holes.

A. nice things                           B. balls  

C. fire                                  D. water

75. The square window box is ______.

A. a car or a bus                           B. a very small earth monster

C. a TV set                                D. a radio


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