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 河南成教 / 泵与风机

[简答题] 什么是泵的扬程?
  • 手制的价目卡属于( ) 连锁经营管理
  • [单选题] ( )是施工企业的内部成本,是企业内部控制支出、降低成本和保证利益的依据。 A.施工预算 B.施工图预算 C.合同价 D.竣工决算建筑工程概预算
  • 泰罗认为科学管理的中心问题是( )。实现标准化 制定科学报酬制度 提高工人素质 提高效率铸造企业管理基础
  • 5[填空题] Zora’s hometown had a/an _1_ Negro population and non-blacks were only ever seen passing _2_by the natives. The inhabitants_3_ the Southerners ride through while continuing to casually chew their sugar cane. Northerners, however, drove automobiles and _4_different to Negro eyes. Most of native blacks peered out of the window_5_ them while only the bravest _6_ courageous enough to stand outside and watch the strange tourists go past. An unusual girl named Zora enjoyed talking with the Northerners _7_, when she waved at them, often stopped. She would happily chat _8_the strangers, while_9_ them part of the way down the road, unless a family member appeared out of the house at which point the chat would be abruptly discontinued. To her at that time white people and black were only unlike to the _10_that whites did not live in her town. 1. A. entire             B. entirely            C. whole          D. complete 2. A. away             B. out                C. up             D. through 3. A. watched           B. made              C. warned         D. enjoyed 4. A. covered           B. discovered          C. appeared        D. disappeared 5. A. at                B. on                 C. in             D. for 6. A. was              B. were               C. be             D. being 7. A. who              B. whom              C. which          D. that 8. A. with              B. without            C. on             D. about 9. A. accomplishing      B. accompanying       C. admiring        D. affording 10. A. end               B. question            C. purpose        D. extent大学英语(二)
  • 对于INTEL 8031来说,EA脚总是( ) 单片机原理及应用
  • [单选题] 转弯半径是指由转向中心到(  )。 A.内转向轮与地面接触点间的距离 B.外转向轮与地面接触点间的距离 C.内转向轮之间的距离 D.外转向轮之间的距离河南成教