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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 10、Many of the older people at Ellen Hospital were lonely. No one came to see them and they had no one to _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ . Linda who worked at the hospital had an idea. Most people like dogs. She would _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ a dog to the hospital. Maybe some of the older people would like it as a pet. Linda took the dog to the hospital.It was called “Dr. Duffy”. _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ it was allowed to walk around the hospital. Linda was right. The older people _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ the dog. They enjoyed petting it and talking to it. Over the years, Dr. Duffy and other _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ have made the older people much happier.统考英语完型填空
  • 数学操作技能形成的最后阶段是()(A) 定向阶段 (B) 自动化阶段 (C) 单个动作阶段 (D) 连续动作阶段小学数学教学论
  • 下列各项中构成制造费用的是( )。 成本会计
  • 我国首次规定处罚性赔偿金法律是( ) (A)《反不正当竞争法》(B)《产品质量法》(C)〈公司法〉(D)〈〈消费者权利保护法〉〉[参考答案:D]  分值:3得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年9月18日 14点53分 经济法
  • 策划主体可以是个人,也可是机构、组织。( ) A、正确 B、错误市场营销策划
  • 把心理健康者称为“自我实现者”的人是(       )。  教育心理学