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 河南成教 / 概率论与数理统计






  • [填空题] She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on _ _ _ _ _ _ top floor.We had never stayed in such an amazing room,and we weren’t charged extra.成人英语2
  • (单选题) What changes have occurred in the past few decades with regard to the child's place in society?( ) A、 Child raising has become more permissive.B、 Public health care has improved so much that children now need no particular health care.C、 Children are becoming more intelligent.D、 Children are becoming more respectful toward their parents.大学英语2
  • [填空题] 涕“”古义是(),后指“鼻涕”,这属于词义范围的()。医古文
  • 下列项目中,属于职工薪酬的有()。 A、失业保险费B、非货币性福利C、住房公积金D、因解除与职工的劳动关系给予的补偿E、工会会费及职工教育经费中级财务会计
  • _ _ _ _ _ _ riding to school, Mary usually goes to school on foot.新发展英语综合教程(二)
  • 成功地履行管理职能最基本的要求是强烈的管理愿望。(A) 对 (B) 错管理学原理