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 成人高等教育 / 基础护理学


  • A、

    A. 浓缩白蛋白

  • B、

    B. 右旋糖酐

  • C、

    C. 血浆

  • D、

    D. 晶体溶液

  • E、

    E. 全血

  • 具有如下化学结构的药物的名称为A、甲氨喋呤B、米托蒽醌C、长春瑞滨D、羟基喜树碱药物化学
  • 下列计算正确的是 高等数学三:线性代数
  • 培养小学生的数学能力最终是要提高他们的 ( )(A) 计算能力 (B) 初步数学思维能力 (C) 空间观念 (D) 解决实际问题能力小学数学教学论
  • 根据《仲裁法》规定,下列关于仲裁说法中,对的有() 经济法基础
  • 9、The game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the Chinese played a game _ _ 21 _ _ football over 2000 years ago. In the beginning, it was very _ _ 22 _ _ and dangerous. There were not a fixed number of players and there was always a lot of fighting. In 1863 the Football Association was founded to bring _ _ 23 _ _ to the game. Since then, millions have played football, making it the world's most _ _ 24 _ _ sport. It's the strongest in Europe and South America, but it is popular in Africa as well and now is played also by women; women's football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. The World Cup is the most important _ _ 25 _ _ in international football. The competition is held every four years at different countries around the world. The first competition was held in 1930 and the winner was Uruguay(乌拉圭).统考英语完型填空
  • “立善法于天下,则天下治;立善法于一国,则一国治。”指的是(    ) 思想道德与法治