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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语句子翻译

4、What kind of life do most people enjoy?
  • 英国国家铁路改革的模式为(    )(A) 公司出售 (B) 建立控股公司 (C) 颁布重组法 (D) 变快快管理为条块管理相结合高速铁路运营管理
  • 椴树属花序柄上的膜质舌状物为( )。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 22点13分 园林树木学
  • 管理是一种有目的的活动 管理学原理
  • ()以上的未成年人是限制民事行为能力人。 形势与政策
  • (单选题) Which of the following is NOT correct?( ) A、All kinds of people can play chess.B、Only two people can play chess sitting at the same table.C、Some people write to each other while playing chess.D、The Russians lost the game played by radio.大学英语(一)
  • 25、Mary and Peter were having a picnic with some friends near a river when Mary shouted, "Look! That's a spaceship up there and it's going to land here." Frightened by the strange spaceship, _ _ 21 _ _ of the young people got into their cars and drove away as quickly as possible. Peter loved Mary and always stayed close to her. They, more _ _ 22 _ _ than frightened, watched the spaceship land and saw a door open. When nobody came out, they went to look into it. In the center of the floor, there was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and did not _ _ 23 _ _ the door close behind him. The temperature fell rapidly and the two young people lost their consciousness. When they came to life, they were surprised to see that they were back by the river again. The spaceship had gone. There car was nearby. "What happened?" asked Mary. Peter scratched his head, saying slowly, "Don't ask me. Perhaps we had a _ _ 24 _ _ . Come on. It's time to go home." After driving about fifty meters, they found their way blocked by a thick wall made of something like glass. On the other side of the wall, a few strange beings stopped to _ _ 25 _ _ it and read a notice which, translated into English, said: "New arrivals at Zoo: a pair of earth inhabitants in their natural surroundings with their house on wheels."统考英语完型填空