高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要
高等继续教育 / 中国近现代史纲要
()主要是确定建筑的各项具体尺寸和构造做法;进行结构计算,确定承重构件的截面尺寸和配筋情况。 (A) 初步设计 (B) 施工图设计 (C) 技术设计 (D) 抽象设计
28、There are many misunderstandings about American Indian names. Crazy Horses, for example, was given to a man because he was courageous, not because he was mad. Indian families had no last names. The Sioux Indians give individuals three or four names. The first name was given at birth. It showed the order of a birth into the family. Wenonah, for instance, meant "firstborn daughter". The second name, the honor name, was given to the child by a medicine man. It usually referred to the fine character of good deeds of one of the child's ancestors. When he grew up, the person was expected to live up to this name. Otherwise, the person might not be called by it. The third name was the nickname. It usually referred to something odd that the person had done. It was hardly ever flattering(奉承). The fourth name came the deed name. It was given by a war chief after the person accomplished some good or extraordinary bravery. The name might be that of a fear-inspiring animal such as Bear or Buffalo or that of a noble bird, such as Eagle, Hawk or Owl.
1、There was a professor who worked in a university in Tokyo. He had a dog. He was very kind to his dog, and the dog loved the master very much. Every morning the professor went to walk with his dog. Of course, the dog could not go with the professor to the university. It followed him only as _ _ 21 _ _ as the railway station where it watched him buy his ticket and disappeared in the direction of the train. Then the dog would sit at a small square in front of the station, waiting for its master's return. After one year, passers-by were very _ _ 22 _ _ with the dog and all praised it for its loyalty. One afternoon, the professor had a sudden heart attack and died at work, but the dog still sat at the same place waiting. In the evening several persons thought about the dog and went to see _ _ 23 _ _ it was still there. It seemed that the dog could understand them when they said to it, “Go home, poor thing. Your master will never come to you again”. Weeks became months, months became years, and still the dog waited there. People were really moved by this sight. A famous artist made a statue of the dog and placed it at the very place. From then on, the dog sat in the _ _ 24 _ _ of its own statue to wait for its master. The years passed. One day, the dog died, but people there could not forget that dog. Its statue has become a well-known spot. If someone asked, “ _ _ 25 _ _ shall we meet at the station?” Another would always answer, “At the statue of the dog.”
71.陈小姐,因左足底被铁钉扎伤来院就诊,医嘱:TAT1500U IM st。皮试结果:局部红润直径>5cm,硬结>2cm,此时应采取何种措施? A、 A. 按常规注射TAT B、 B. 报告医生,改用其他药物 C、 C. 将TAT稀释分两次注射 D、 D. 将TAT稀释分四次注射 E、 E. 按常规注射TAT并注射盐酸肾上腺素
(单选题) What is the main idea of the passage? A、 The theory of relativity. B、 Exactness is the core of science. C、 Scientists are different from ordinary people. D、 Exactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.
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