1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)
 国家开放大学 / 高级英语听说(1)

1.Listen and fill in the blanks.


(1)This grocery store has wonderful 1 . Their lettuce and tomatoes are the best in town!

(2)A 2 is about the same as a liter.

(3)The doctor told Mary to 3 4 5 meat and cheese.

(4)Juices are over there in 6 six.

(5)At that store, you have to pay with cash or a credit card. They don’t 7 8 .

(6)Fruits and vegetables are a good source of 9 .

(7)If you are trying to lose weight, nutritionists say it is best not to 10 meals. You just overeat later!

(8)I can’t eat any of that cream pie. It has too many 11 .

(9)That supermarket is really crowded. I always have to wait 12 13 .

(10)I need to buy a 14 of steak and some carrots for dinner tonight.
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