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 高等教育 / 大学英语(二)

(单选题) ( )According to the passage, President Jackson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

A、  couldn’t draw up any documents at all
B、  didn’t like to read important papers by himself
C、  often had his assistants sign documents for him
D、  wasn’t good at reading, writing or spelling
  • [填空题] In some countries conservative dressing are required for business, which of the following does not belong to conservative neutral colors?商务英语
  • 某桥梁采用3孔,每孔13米跨径,则该桥可划分为中桥。桥梁工程技术
  • 以下哪些是品牌H5营销的劣势()。 A.社交分享便利,传播性强 B.用户感官体验丰富,互动性好 C.制作及传播成本低,优势明显 D.传播环境限制性强 E.移动电子商务
  • [论述题] 试述高层建筑消防给水系统分区的依据和水泵接合器的设置要求水利工程施工
  • 县级以上人民政府或者其授权的部门在处理水事纠纷时,有权采取()措施,有关各方或者当事人必须服从 A.临时处置 B.处置 C.相宜 D.强制 E.水资源利用与保护
  • [单选题] 施加均布荷载的方法有() A.气压加载和重物加载 B.重物加载和液压加载 C.激振器加载和气压加载 D.重物加载和机械式加载工程结构检验