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  • 钢筋混凝土矩形截面梁,,,,混凝土强度等级为C30,采用HRB400级钢筋,求下列情况下截面所能抵抗的极限弯矩:砌体工程
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解A credit card is basically a plastic card with a magnetic strip invented with the intention to simplify the complicated banking process for an individual in case he/she is short of cash. Many people don’t like to carry much cash. For them the cards are convenient and safe to use.Credit cards are gaining popularity, even for buying small items. They are accepted almost everywhere, though not at fast food restaurants.A credit card enables the cardholder to buy things now and pay for them later. The cardholders get credit by promising to pay in the future for something they receive in the present. When the cardholder uses a credit card, the credit card company that issued the credit card pays the store. Later, a bill will be mailed to the cardholder by the credit card company for the amount he/she purchased. And finally, the cardholder then repays the company for the entire credit amount that he/she has used, by paying it back fully or through regular monthly payments. In case the cardholder fails to payback the entire balance, the bank can lawfully charge him/her with an interest fee on the unpaid amount.1、 Which of the following can be true of the credit card? A. It is a plastic card. B. People using credit cards are never discredited. C. It allows the cardholder to buy things without cash. D. Both A and B. 2、 Why are the credit cards so popular? A. They are accepted in many places and can be used to buy both large and small items. B. They are easy to carry though not very safe. C. Both A and B. D. Many people like to carry both credit cards and a lot of cash. 3、 What is the advantage of a credit card? A. The credit card is accepted in fast food restaurants. B. When the cardholder does not have the money, he/she can still buy things. C. The more the cardholder buys, the better his/her credit is. D. Since the credit card company sometimes pays the store, the cardholders do not have to pay at all. 4、 9. When a cardholder receives a bill from his/her credit card company, how can he/she repay immediately? A. Any of the above. B. By half. C. In full. D. A small part of the bill. 5、 What may happen if the cardholder fails to pay back the entire balance? A. The cardholder must pay the interest fee. B. The cardholder pays double the amount of the original bill. C. The credit card will become useless. D. The cardholder has to register with the credit card company again.统考英语A
  • “十”是数词。正确错误汉语通论
  • 2、 下列哪种元素的发射光谱最复杂?  A.钠 B.铁 C.铝 D.碳仪器分析
  • 17[论述题] 请论述为什么要采用数据库来管理数据?ASP程序设计
  • 4[填空题] 寄存器的输出端平时不随输入端的变化而变化,只有在------才将输入端的数据送输出端(打入寄存器),而锁存器的输出端平时总随输入端变化而变化,只有当锁存器信号到达时,才将输出端的状态锁存起来,使其不再随输入端的变化而变化微机原理与接口技术