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 高等继续教育 / 创新创业:理论实践与应用


  • 12、下列哪一项不是用户浏览网页时用的客户端软件?_________ A.WWW B.IE C.Netscape D.Firefox计算机统考
  • 位于透镜焦点的点光源,波长为0.85μm,在透镜处的半径为10mm;光强为高斯分布,经过透镜后,在较远距离时,光束的发射角等于( )A、0.0031radB、0.0000541radC、0.0541度D、0.0031度光纤通信
  • 戊戌维新是一场资产阶级性质的改良运动,这是因为变法的政令A、一定程度上反映了资产阶级的政治和经济诉求B、触及了封建制度的根本C、带有彻底性和不妥协性D、采纳了维新派提出的开国会等政治主张中国近现代史纲要
  • 社会主义优越性的根本表现是A.公有制为主体和共同富裕B.扩大改革开放,成为社会的主人C.实行按劳分配,改善人民生活D.不断发展生产,增加社会财富马克思主义基本原理概论
  • 教学论学科的形成的标志著作是:A、《论演说家的培养》B、《大教学论》C、《普通教育学》D、《教育漫话》现代课程与教学论
  • 38、Winston Churchill was one of the great men of his age. To show their respect for him, the British lawmakers asked a fine artist, Graham Sutherland, to paint Winston Churchill's picture. When it was completed, it was presented to him, at a grand affair in the Westminster Hall, at the House of Commons (下议院). It was reported in the newspapers to show that Churchill accepted the gift. He described the painting as "a remarkable example of modern art", which drew loud laughter. In fact he was unhappy with the painting. Sutherland later reported that he asked whether it was to be painted in with a "happy" or "fierce" attitude. "Fierce," replied Churchill. At the time, Churchill was coming to the end of his political life and was unhappy that people wanted him to end his career. Some twenty years later it was revealed that Lady Churchill hated the painting so much that she had it destroyed. "It was preying on (折磨) his mind," she was reported as saying. A leading art critic was asked what he thought about the matter. He said he could understand Lady Churchill and had pity on her. Graham Sutherland is a very honest artist, who could only paint what he saw. At the time it was painted, Churchill was an old man, worried by the thought that he would have to end his political career soon. But Lady Churchill shouldn't have had the painting destroyed. It could have been stored away until after their deaths.统考英语阅读理解