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 高等继续教育 / 企业战略管理

题型描述: 单选题
  • 反馈信息仅限于工程的投资、进度、质量信息工程建设监理
  • 3[翻译题]   It was 6:45. The train I was traveling on was half an hour late. And there were still two stops before me. I had planned to arrive in London at 7:00 and catch the 7:25 coach(长途汽车)to Paris. Hopelessly, I turned to a kind-looking passenger for a suggestion. "Why not get off at the next stop and take a taxi? It may save you some time." "Great!" I jumped off as the train just stopped and rushed to a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped at the London Coach Station. (长途汽车站) There were two coaches there. Almost without thinking, I jumped on to the coach that was starting .As I sank into a seat and looked through the window, the other coach over-passed ours at a great speed. Two black words flew over my wide –open eyes: London-Paris.英语
  • 67、信用额度工程经济学
  • 15、 —I am getting _ _ _ _ each month. I can’t put on my jeans.         —I’m afraid you have to take exercise every day. A.heavy B.heavier C.the heavier D.the heaviest大学英语I
  • 下列关于利率期货的说法中,正确的是期货投资学
  • 而广义的行政监督是指对行政管理活动进行监督的所有形式,即法律监督、政党监督、群众监督、舆论监督等。这些监督的组织系统不论大小,都独立于行政机构之外,因此,也称之为————。教育管理案例研究