1.  >>  成人高等教育 / 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
 成人高等教育 / 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论

  • A、

  • B、


  • C、


  • D、
  • 71、Miss Wang wanted to know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the film. A.why was he late B.why is he late C.why he is late D.why he was late统考英语词汇与语法
  • 构成学生思想品德的因素包括()。(A) 知 (B) 情 (C) 意 (D) 行小学教育学
  • 中国进入到新民主主义社会后的经济成份包括( )(A) 社会主义性质的国营经济 (B) 半社会主义性质的合作社经济 (C) 农民和手工业者的个体经济 (D) 私人资本主义经济 (E) 国家资本主义经济中国近现代史纲要
  • 我国刑法中的“从旧兼从轻”原则是对什么问题的解决(A) 法的空间效力 (B) 法的渊源 (C) 法的效力层次 (D) 法的溯及力法理学
  • 数控车削符合固定循环指令包括()。A.闭合车削循环指令B.精加工循环指令C.端面粗车循环指令D.外径、内径粗车循环指令数控加工技术
  • 11、A film crew was at the Circle Five Ranch to film a Marlboro commercial. This was in 1868, before they prohibited cigarette ads from American television. Darrell Winfield was watching the crew set up the equipment. The scene included an actor crossing a river on horseback, but when the time came to shoot, the man was too drunk to ride. Someone from the crew saw Winfield and asked him if he would ride the horse for 50 dollars. “Hell,” said Winfield, “for 50 bucks, I'll jump that damn horse over the moon!” To people in many countries, Winfield is just a familiar but nameless face, a simple cowboy with an advertising message about a connection between the West and a brand of cigarettes. Few people know that he is 55, a family man who's been married to the same woman for 37 years and has 5 children and 7 grandchildren. Most surprisingly, he's a real, working cowboy who raises horses in his ranch in Wyoming. One of the most striking things about the Marlboro Man is that success hasn't changed him much. He says that complete strangers sometimes come up to him and say, “I've met you,know you from somewhere. ”Whenever it happens, he says that he gets embarrassed.统考英语阅读理解