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 高等继续教育 / 计算机专业英语

题型描述: 单选题
What does the phrase “frame-based” mean appearing at the beginning of the article? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A.All generation of Ethernet conform to the multi-layers structure of the OSI reference model.
B.All generations of Ethernet are built on improving infrastructure from coaxial cable to twisted pair.
C.All generations of Ethernet base on the same physical layer as the underlying frame.
D.All generations of Ethernet base on the same architecture formats and the same interfaces for higher layers.
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  • 13、咨询的主客体之间的关系是一种相互影响的(     ) A. 经济关系、政治关系、工作关系 B. 经济关系、上下级关系、社会关系 C. 政企关系、协作关系、上下级关系 D. 经济关系、工作关系、人际关系企业管理咨询