1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 综合英语(2)
 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(2)

1. –It’s such a perfect day. Say, why don’ we pack a picnic lunch and go to the park? We can invite   some other people to come to—Nancy, Rob, charlotte, Ben, their kids…
–Anything is fine with me.

a.That’s one of the best ideas I’ve heard in weeks. What should we take on the picnic?
b.I’d like to very much, but I have to prepare for my examination.
c.That’s great! Shall we go to the seaside for a walk?
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  • Zhou Ming has few English magazines,  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?理工英语2
  • 29、计算机安全属性不包括______。 A.信息不能暴露给未经授权的人 B.信息传输中不能被篡改 C.信息能被授权的人按要求所使用 D.信息的来源必须可靠计算机统考
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