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 国家开放大学 / 行政法与行政诉讼法


  • 图示角钢与节点板采用两面侧焊角焊缝连接,角钢为2L125×80×10,长边相连,钢材为Q235,焊条为E43型,手工焊,节点所受轴力设计值N=400kN(静力荷载)。若角焊缝焊脚尺寸hf=8mm,试确定所需角焊缝L1及L2的实际长度已知焊缝设计强度:ffw=160N/mm2。钢结构
  • 19、 在Windows系统中,下列关于“快捷方式”说法中,错误的是(    )。 A.删除快捷方式后,它所指向的项目也会被删除 B.快捷方式的图标可以更改 C.可在桌面创建打印机的快捷方式 D.使用快捷方式作为打开程序的捷径河南理工大学
  • 4[简答题] 31.The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good. A. discouraged B.observed C.obeyed D.obtained 32.Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help. A. detective B.president C.manager D.director 33.We won’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs. A. devote B.district C.interfere D.wander 34.We can not _______ all the magazines together. A. route B.draw C.thread D.bind 35.What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present. A. disgusted B.dismissed C.disposed D.eliminated 36.Some lazy men would rather _______ than work. A. indicate B.declare C.solve D.starve 37.This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class. A. scolded B.overcome C.inclined D.displayed 38.Some states in the United States _______ people to carry guns. A. apply B.charm C.ignore D.forbid 39.Carelessness made him fall in his job _______. A.interview B.intention C.stomach D.stocking 40.Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help. A. decrease B.create C.define D.delight大学英语(二)
  • 企业的经营理念是企业的灵魂,是企业哲学、企业精神的集中表现。同时,也是整个企业识别系统的核心和依据(判断题)市场营销策划
  • 1[简答题] 简述在以私有制为基础的商品经济中价值规律的作用河南理工大学
  • 41[填空题] 判断立体表面上直线CD相对于投影面的位置,将结果写在空中。                                         河南理工大学