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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

25、People show their love for their country when they honor the flag. The bright colors of the flag stand for the country, its people, and its ideas.
The flag of the United States is red, white and blue. Red stands for courage. White stands for honor. And blue stands for justice(公正). The flag has 13 stripes(星条) of red and white. These stripes stand for the first 13 states. The top left corner of the flag is blue with 50 white stars. The stars stand for the 50 states in the United States today. We sometimes give the US flag a name, the stars and the stripes.
A person carrying the flag marches at the head of the parade(游行). When your country's flag goes by, you should stand up and salute(敬礼). A man removes his hat. He salutes by placing his hand over his heart. A woman doesn't need to remove her hat. She salutes by placing her hand over her heart, too.
It is rude not to stand when the flag of any country goes by. It is rude not to salute the flag of your own country. It is rude for a man not to remove his hat for his country's flag.
Most countries have rules for honoring the flag. Here are a few rules that many countries follow:
1) You may fly the flag in the daytime. If there is a light on the flag, you may fly it at night, too.
2) Do not fly the flag in the rain.
3) Do not let the flag touch the floor.
4) Do not throw away an old flag. Burn it with care.
These rules will help you honor the flag and show love for your country.
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