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 河南成教 / 工笔花鸟

  • 被称为“世界宪法监督第一案”的是? 宪法学
  • 五指活动课程的创编者是()。 学前教育学
  • 我国改革开放之所以能取得巨大成功,关键是我们把党的基本路线作为党和国家的生命线,始终坚持把以(  )为中心同四项基本原则、改革开放这两个基本点统一于中国特色社会主义伟大实践,既不走封闭僵化的老路,也不走改旗易帜的邪路,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路。 中国特色社会主义理论
  • 3[名词解释题] 转换 网页设计与制作
  •   Nasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went to market. At midday it was very hot, so he stopped in the shade of a big tree. There were several other men there, and all of them had donkeys of grapes too. After their lunch they went to sleep. After some time, Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other men's baskets and to put them in his.    Suddenly one of the men woke up and saw him. “What are you doing?” he said angrily.    “Oh,” said Nasreddin, “Don't worry about me. I am half mad, and I do a lot of strange things.”    “Oh, really?” said the other man. “Then why don't you sometimes take grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody else's baskets?”     “You did not understand me”, said Nasreddin. I said that I was half mad, not quite mad.11.Nasreddin went to market_______.                                      A. to sell his donkey         B. to buy something    C. to sell his grapes          D. to find a job 12. Nasreddin stopped______.                                              A. under a big tree           B. near a big tree    C. around a big tree         D. in a big tree 13. As Nasreddin was taking away the other men's grapes one of the men ____.                                             A. pretended not to see him   B. saw him and got angry    C. woke his fellows up             D. came at him 14.Nasreddin said that he did a lot of strange things because___     .   A. he was clever             B. he was quite mad                          C. he was foolish            D. he was half mad 15.In this story Nasreddin was ______.                                                            A. a selfish man   B. a strange man   C. a friendly man   D. a foolish man 大学英语(I)
  • 20世纪初期,在我国建立幼稚园时,造型美术教学方法主要是摹仿采纳经由日本传来的福禄倍尔以造型性游戏和( )为主的教学模式。绘画欣赏 手工制作 雕塑雕刻 幼儿园手工