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 国家开放大学 / 中国传统文化概观

下列选项中出的诗句自白居易《钱塘湖春行》的是( )?
  • 下列关于神经递质的描述,正确的是 生理学(临床)
  • 直线x+5y+1=0与2x+10y-3=0的位置关系为: A.平行 B.重合 C.相交 D.垂直 E.高等数学I
  • 1[简答题] 简述承兑的含义及承兑后对持票人和出票人的法律效力商法学
  • 8.增值税的特点是( )。单一环节征税实行价内计税重复征税税基广泛税收理论与实务
  • 软件测试用例主要由输入数据和( )两部分组成。测试计划测试规则预期输出结果以往测试记录分析软件测试
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Many people like to decorate _ _ _ _ houses at Christmas time. They decorate the inside of the _ _ _ _ and the outside _ _ _ _ . Inside they usually decorate a _ _ _ _ tree and the fireplace, if there is one. Outside they place wreaths, ribbons, and coloured _ _ _ _ on the door and windows. If there is a tree in front of their house, they place colored lights _ _ _ _ it too.In New York City, _ _ _ _ is a very tall, beautifully decorated Christmas _ _ _ _ in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. In Washington, there is also a big decorated tree in front of the White House. People _ _ _ _ from many cities to admire the trees and the colourfully decorated store _ _ _ _ on the important streets of large cities.1、 A. his B. their C. your D. our 2、 A. lake B. house C. river D. field 3、 A. and B. either C. too D. so 4、 A. Christmas B. Spring Festival C. Fool D. New Year 5、 A. water B. lights C. feet D. medicine 6、 A. with B. on C. up D. of 7、 A. there B. it C. before D. then 8、 A. computer B. sea C. tree D. street 9、 A. come B. shout C. eat D. sleep 10、 A. kitchens B. bedrooms C. bathrooms D. windows统考英语A