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 国家开放大学 / 税收理论与实务

【单项选择题】某卷烟厂6月研发生产一种新型卷烟,当月生产20箱作为礼品样品用于市场推广,没有同类售价,已知成本为50万元,已知卷烟的成本利润率10%,经税务机关批准,卷烟适用的税率为56%,则该批卷烟应纳消费税金为(     )万元。




  • 肺炎合并心力衰竭的表现,不包括( )。 妇产科学与儿科护理学
  • 48、- May I use my credit card here? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.You can't. B.No one uses it. C.I am afraid you can't. D.Who told you?统考英语交际英语
  • 46、Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and put it calmly in his pocket. He did so from a certain kind of fear. This was the only entrance to the house. Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness. In the stillness he seemed to hear Tom's voice. He turned round quickly, but there was only the girl. The girl carrying an oil lamp led Bill upstairs. She stopped and raised the lamp in each doorway, staring at him meanwhile. Satisfied he was the only guest, Bill came to the last door. "You sleep here, sir," she said, giving him the lamp. "Your friend slept here, too." "Good night, miss," he said politely. Her lips moved in reply, but he didn't catch the words. Her eyes never for a moment left his face. He stepped in, and as he turned to close the door she was still standing there. In the silence he felt a little terrified now. He shut the door in the girl's face then, leaving her in the dark. He opened it again almost at once. She had disappeared without a sound. A deep mistrust suddenly came to him. Why had that girl stared at him so?统考英语阅读理解
  • 公式属于( )。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月26日 23点51分 离散数学
  • 下列不属于盛唐边塞诗人的是? A、 王翰 B、 王之涣 C、 王昌龄 D、 王建中国古代文学(2)
  • 物流子公司比公司中事业部更有独立性,是典型的“利润中心型”物流企业。 物流学概论