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 河南成教 / 电力系统远动原理

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  • 3、Americans love their cars. When gas was _ 1 _ , Americans drove everywhere, even to buy something at a store two or three blocks away. On Sunday’s many families got into the car and went for a drive for an hour or two. _ 2 _ , many Americans have been changing their ideas about _ 3 _ . Today _ 4 _ walk or ride a bicycle to the store, and people think twice before they go for a drive on Sunday.     Today Americans are worried about saving energy in their homes, too. Before OPEC raised oil price, the typical American home and office building was too warm in the winter and too cool warm in the summer. Since 1973, Americans have been more careful with _ 5 _ . Many families _ 6 _ the heat to 15℃ at night and 18℃ during the day. Perhaps because of this, companies that make long underwear have been doing very well since 1973.     People _ 7 _ everywhere to find ways to save heating oil and electricity. Many people have been buying old-fashioned stoves so as to burn wood. Most people have been more careful to _ 8 _ electric lights. For several years the government has been giving tax money back to people when they improve their homes to save energy. For example, when people spend money to put new and better windows on their houses, the government returns some of their tax money.     Americans don’t like to give up their big cars, warm homes, and air conditioning, but _ 9 _ the high price of oil, they _ 10 _ . 1. A. dear             B. cheap             C. less           D. very few 2. A. Because less of money                   B. Because of so many people    C. Because of the high price of gas           D. because of so many cars in the streets 3. A. walking          B. buying            C. sleeping       D. driving 4. A. more people       B. few people        C. all people      D. no people 5. A. heating and air conditioning              B. cars and bicycles  C. food and clothing                      D. children and money 6. A. put up            B. set in            C. turn down      D. turn into 7. A. looked            B. look            C. are looking      D. have been looking 8. A. put on            B. put in            C. turn off        D. turn on 9. A. at               B. with              C. for           D. in 10. A. have a lot of choices                    B. can do many things         C. don’t have any choice                   D. walk to work英语(二)
  • 26、硅酸盐水泥熟料中硅酸盐相矿物组成为 (  ) ( ) 中间相矿物组成为 铝酸三钙 ) 铁铝酸四钙 ) 简写为 C3S ) ( , ( ;  ( , ( , ( , (  )(  )(  ) , , .建筑材料
  • 在下列多路复用技术中,适合于光纤通信的是_______。计算机网络技术