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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 客房部仅负责客房楼层清洁,公共场所的清洁,不负责各餐厅、宴会厅的清洁和维护工作。 A、正确 B、错误客房服务
  • 44、PowerPoint2010放映过程中,启动屏幕画笔的方法是_______。 A.Shift+X B.Ctrl+P C.Alt+E D.Esc计算机统考
  • 平行光经过凸透镜后光线()A、汇聚B、不变C、A B C都可能D、发散光纤通信
  • 习近平在全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会上发表重要讲话中提到,我们及时将全国总体防控策略调整为“外防输入、内防反弹”,推动防控工作由应急性超常规防控向常态化防控转变,健全( )、( )、( )、( )的常态化防控机制。 形势与政策
  • Only about one out of twelve of the young men and women of this country _ _ _ _      college education. A、 receive B、 receives C、 have received D、 have been received英语(二)
  • 47、The man sitting opposite Robert was the Financial Controller. Everybody called him "the FC"for short. He made all the decisions about money. Robert needed some more. That was why he had to see him. The two men did not get on very well. In fact, they had always disliked each other. "Your request is out of the question,"the FC said. Robert had difficulty in controlling himself, but he managed somehow. He explained that he wanted the money in order to make more programmes. "And why do you want to do that?" the FC asked sharply. Again, Robert almost lost his temper. "Because more and more people are listening to my department's programmes. There's great demand for them,"he answered. The FC did not seem to believe him. But Robert had a report on the numbers of listeners to all EBC programmes. The FC became less confident. Robert threw the report down on the table and told him to read it. The FC looked at it in silence. The figures proved that he had been wrong, but he did not want to admit it. "Well," he finally said, "I may have made a small mistake." Robert noticed the word "may."He got up to leave. But he had the feeling that he would get the money after all.统考英语阅读理解