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  • 已知双曲线焦点为(5,0),(-5,0),双曲线上一点到两个焦点的距离之差的绝对值为8,则该双曲线的渐进线方程为: A.4y+3x=0和4y-3x=0 B.4x-3y=0和4x+3y=0 C.5y+4x=0和5y-4x=0 D.5x-4y=0和5x+4y=0 E.高等数学(上)
  • ( )是构造主义心理学的奠基人。亚里士多德柏拉图冯特雷蒙德普通心理学
  • 18[单选题] 下面可以作为结构的是 A.瞬变体系 B.几何不变体系 C.有多余约束的可变体系 D.计算自由度等于零的体系结构力学
  • 9[分析题] 结合材料回答问题: 材料1 只有奋斗的人生才称得上幸福的人生。奋斗是艰辛的,艰难困苦、玉汝于成,没有艰辛就不是真正的奋斗,我们要勇于在艰苦奋斗中净化灵魂、磨砺意志、坚定信念。奋斗者是精神最为富足的人,也是最懂得幸福的人、最享受幸福的人。新时代是奋斗者的时代。 ——2018年2月14日习近平在2018年春节团拜会上的讲话 材料2 历史承认那些为共同目标劳动因而自己变得高尚的人是伟大人物;经验赞美那些为大多数人带来幸福的人是最幸福的人。 ——马克思 材料3 中国的青年运动有很好的革命传统,这个传统就是“永久奋斗”。我们共产党是继承这个传统的,现在传下来了,以后更要继续传下去。 ——1939年5月毛泽东同志在延安庆贺模范青年大会的讲话 (1)结合材料1、2、3,说明应该树立怎样的幸福观? (2)怎样做新时代的奋斗者,成就出彩人生?思想道德与法制
  • 数据挖掘系统一般由______、数据挖掘、知识评价和知识库等部分组成数据输入与输出数据描述数据采集与处理知识提取医学信息学概论
  • 3[翻译题] How America Lives (1) Americans still follow many of the old ways. In a time of rapid changes it is essential that we remember how much of the old we cling to. Young people still get married. Of course, many do get divorced, but they remarry at astonishing rates. They have children, but fewer than before. They belong to churches, even though they attend somewhat less frequently, and they want their children to have religious instruction. They are willing to pay taxes for education, and they generously support institutions like hospitals, museums and libraries. In fact, when you compare the America of today with that of 1950, the similarities are far greater than the differences. (2) Americans seem to be growing conservative. The 1980 election, especially for the Senate and House of Representatives, signaled a decided turn to the right insofar as political and social attitudes were concerned. It is as if our country spent the 1960s and 1970s jealously breaking out of old restraints and now wishes to put the brakes on. We should expect to see a reaffirmation of traditional family values, sharp restraints on pornography, a return to religion and a rejection of certain kinds of social legislation. (3) Patterns of courtship and marriage have changed radically. Where sex was concerned, I was raised in an atmosphere of suspicion, repression and Puritanism, and although husky young kids can survive almost anything, many in my generation suffered grievously. Without reservation, I applaud the freer patterns of today, although I believe that it’s been difficult for some families to handle the changes. (4) American women are changing the rules. Thirty years ago I could not have imagined a group of women employees suing a major corporation for millions of dollars of salary which, they alleged, had been denied them because they had been discriminated against. Nor could I imagine women in universities going up to the men who ran the athletic programs and demanding a just share of the physical education budget. At work, at play, at all levels of living women are suggesting new rules. (5) America is worried about its schools. If I had a child today, I would send her or him to a private school for the sake of safety, for the discipline that would be enforced and for the rigorous academic requirements. But I would doubt that the child would get any better education than l did in my good public school. The problem is that good public schools are becoming pitifully rare, and I would not want to take the chance that the one I sent my children to was inadequate. (6) Some Americans must live on welfare. Since it seems obvious that our nation can produce all its needs with only a part of the available work force, some kind of social welfare assistance must be doled out to those who cannot find jobs. When I think of a typical welfare recipient I think of a young neighbor woman whose husband was killed in a tragic accident, leaving her with three young children. In the bad old days she might have known destitution, but with family assistance she was able to hold her children together and produced three fine, tax-paying citizens. America is essentially a compassionate society. (7) America cannot find housing for its young families. I consider this the most serious danger confronting family life in America, and I am appalled that the condition has been allowed to develop. For more than a decade, travelers like me have been aware that in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Russia and India young people have found it almost impossible to acquire homes. In Sweden the customary wait was 11 years of marriage, and we used to ask, “what went wrong?” It seemed to us that a major responsibility of any nation would be to provide homes for its young people starting their families. Well, this dreadful social sickness has now overtaken the United States, and for the same reasons. The builders in our society find it profitable to erect three-bathroom homes that sell for $220,000 with a mortgage at 19 percent but find it impossible to erect small homes for young marrieds. For a major nation to show itself impotent to house its young people is admitting a failure that must be corrected. (8) Our prospects are still good. We have a physical setting of remarkable integrity, the world’s best agriculture, a splendid wealth of minerals, great rivers for irrigation and an unsurpassed system of roads for transportation. We also have a magnificent mixture of people from all the continents with varied traditions and strengths. But most of all, we have a unique and balanced system of government. (9) I think of America as having the oldest form of government on earth, because since we started our present democracy in 1789, every other nation has suffered either parliamentary change or revolutionary change. It is our system that has survived and should survive, giving the maximum number of people a maximum chance for happiness.   Directions: Translate the following sentence into Chinese The 1980 election, especially for the Senate and House of Representatives, signaled a decided turn to the right insofar as political and social attitudes were concerned. 专升本英语2