1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 建筑制图基础
 国家开放大学 / 建筑制图基础

下面关于正投影图特性说法有误的一项是( )

A. 正投影图度量性好
B. 正投影图立体感和直观性非常强
C. 正投影图能反映形体各主要侧面的真实形状和大小
D. 正投影图作图简单
  • 题干二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Want to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts? The quality and variety of the employee training you provide are keys for motivation. Reasons to 回答A. offerB. completeC. take正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 employee training are many, from new-hire operational training to introducing a new concept to a work group to installing a new computer system. 回答A. WhereverB. HoweverC. Whatever正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 your reason for conducting an employee training session, it’s critical to develop the employee training within the framework of a comprehensive, ongoing and consistent program.This employee training program is essential to keep your staff motivated about learning new concepts and 回答A. ultimateB. ultimatelyC. ultimation正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 keep your department profitable. A complete employee training program includes a formal new hire training program with an overview of the job expectations and performance skills 回答A. needB. neededC. needing正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 to perform job functions. A new hire training program provides a fundamental understanding of the position and how the position fits within the organizational structure.Another aspect of a comprehensive employee training program is continuing 回答A. continueB. continuedC. continuing正确获得10.00分中的10.00分 education. This is an important function in order to keep all staff members current about policies, procedures, and the technology.管理英语2
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  • 一个关系只能有一个候选码。正确错误数据库应用技术
  • 律师记录询问证人谈话内容的文书,在表达上属于法律文书中的( ) 写作
  • 10[多选题] 克拉耶夫斯基认为一个教学内容的体系应包括 A.客观世界的知识 B.关于活动方式的经验 C.关于创造性活动的经验 D.对待世界和课题的情感幼儿心理健康与咨询
  • — She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she? — _ _ _ _ _ _ , though she was not feeling well.  理工英语2