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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 单选题

Jim takes the medicine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the doctor says.

  • 属于行政复议范围的是:( )(A) 内部行政行为 (B) 调解民事纠纷的行为 (C) 认为行政机关侵犯合法的经营自主权的 (D) 行政法规等抽象行政行为行政法
  • 44、 A farmer had once made a purchase of a fine fat sheep, hoping to offer it up to the Buddha. While he was leading it home, four thieves saw him and made up their minds to steal the sheep. They knew him to be an honest person and one who thought of no more harm in others than he had in himself. They dared not take the sheep away from him by force, for they were too near the city. Therefore, they thought hard and got an idea: they first parted company and then came to the man as if they had come from several distinct parts. The first thief came up to the farm and said, “My good old man, why are you leading this dog?” At this moment the second thief, coming from another direction, cried to him, “Poor old man, where have you stolen this dog?”And immediately after these words, the third thief came up and asked the farmer,“Where are you going with this handsome greyhound?” The poor farmer began to doubt whether the sheep was a sheep or not. But the fourth robber put him quite beside himself by coming near him and asking what the dog cost him. The farmer began to think and got the conclusion that the four men, who came from different directions, could not all be wrong. He believed that the sheep he was leading was a dog. On realizing this, the farmer went back quickly to the market to demand his money from the person who sold him the dog, leaving the dog with the four thieves.统考英语阅读理解
  • 动物疾病特别是某些人畜共患的高致病性传染病对社会公共安全的威胁越来越大,新型冠状病毒即属于该类疾病。 农业概论
  • In addition to a large collection of scientific works in Chinese, our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages. 大学英语2
  • 肺换气的动力为 生理学(影像)
  • 鲁迅在《魏晋风度及文章与药及酒之关系》的学术演讲中,许多地方运用现实与历史的不协调的类比,产生出强烈的幽默讽刺效果。 A、正确 B、错误演讲与口才