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 国家开放大学 / 个人理财





  • 高等数学
  • 【判断题】对待作风泼辣的谈判对手,一般不必注重其外在表现,应做到不惧不恼。 商务谈判实务
  • 22、Elvis Aron Presley, often called “the king of rock music”, died on August 16th, 1977, at the age of forty-two. He left a great influence on popular music, and millions of fans. During his lifetime, Elvis sold more than four hundred million records. After Presley died, many of his records rose quickly. When Presley died, many mourners journeyed to Memphis, Tennessee, Presley's home, to pay their last respects. While most of these fans knew a lot about the songs of Elvis, few of them knew the story of how Elvis had his first record which was for his mother. He paid four dollars to a small Memphis recording shop, and recorded two songs. The songs were “My Happiness” and “That's Where Your Heartaches Begin”. Sam Philips, who owned the shop where Elvis made the record, liked Presley's songs. He said he would call him some day. About a year later, Philips did call and asked him to cut a record. This first record had “Blue Moon of Kentucky”on one side, and “That's All Right, Mama”on the other.统考英语阅读理解
  • 已知随机变量X~N (0,1),则随机变量Y=2X+10的方差为( ) (A)1(B)2(C)4(D)14[参考答案:C]  分值:4得分: 分 杨秋霞批改于2020年7月2日 0点49分 概率论与数理统计
  • 1.欲选择一条纵向坡度不超过2%的路线,设图上等高距为2m,地形图的比例尺为1∶1000,则路线通过相邻两条等高线的最短距离为 建筑测量
  • 30、在IE中要打开百度主页,在地址栏中输入完“http://www.baidu.com”后,还 要进行以下操作______。 A.按下空格键 B.按下回车键 C.按下Esc键 D.按下Delete键计算机统考