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 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(2)

Do you know if there’s a bus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Museum of Fine Arts?

d. by
  • 解决台湾问题的关键在于(   ) A、 坚持一个中国的原则 B、 增强综合国力 C、 不承诺放弃使用武力 D、 扩大两岸经济文化交流中国特色社会主义理论
  • 3、A young man goes into a shop. He wants to buy a watch. He sees a watch that he likes, but the man in the shop _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ ninety pounds for it. At that time a boy comes into the shop, takes the watch out of the man's _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ and runs out. When the man in the shop runs out into the street, the boy is already among the people. The young man goes _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ . At the next corner he sees the boy with the stolen watch _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ his hand. “Would you like to buy a fine watch, sir?” he says in a low voice. “It is only fifty pounds.” The young man pays at once, and goes back to his room. His friend takes a look _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ the watch and says, “This watch isn't worth even ten pounds. I think that they planned this together.” When he hears this, the young man is very disappointed.统考英语完型填空
  • 163、在微型计算机中,微处理器是其_______。 A.一般部件 B.可选部件 C.无关部分 D.核心部件计算机统考
  • 以黑猩猩摘取香蕉的经典实验为基础,提出顿悟说的心理学家是桑代克。 学前教育心理学
  • 采暖管道长度的确定:水平敷设管道,按立面图、剖面图、系统图与标高尺寸配合计算;垂直安装管道,以施工平面图所示管道中心线尺寸计算。 安装工程估价
  • 《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》强调的幼儿园教育活动内容选择应遵循的三项原则是 a.既贴近幼儿的生活来选择幼儿感兴趣的事物和问题,又有助于拓展幼儿的经验和视野b.既适合幼儿的现有水平,又有一定的挑战性c.既符合幼儿的现实需要,又有利于其长远发展d.满足学科发展的需要幼儿园课程论