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 国家开放大学 / 人力资源管理

( )层面是平衡计分卡突破传统绩效考核的显著特征之一。
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:15 (1)This grocery store has wonderful 1 . Their lettuce and tomatoes are the best in town! (2)A 2 is about the same as a liter. (3)The doctor told Mary to 3 4 5 meat and cheese. (4)Juices are over there in 6 six. (5)At that store, you have to pay with cash or a credit card. They don’t 7 8 . (6)Fruits and vegetables are a good source of 9 . (7)If you are trying to lose weight, nutritionists say it is best not to 10 meals. You just overeat later! (8)I can’t eat any of that cream pie. It has too many 11 . (9)That supermarket is really crowded. I always have to wait 12 13 . (10)I need to buy a 14 of steak and some carrots for dinner tonight.高级英语听说(1)
  • [单选题] 在钢屋架支座节点的设计中,支座底板的净面积是由下列哪项决定的 A.底板抗压工作 B.上板抗压工作 C.底板抗剪工作 D.底板抗剪和抗弯共同工作钢结构设计原理
  •  高等数学
  • 4、房地产开发企业完工的出租开发产品,记入的科目是() A. 固定资产 B. 存货 C. 开发成本 D. 出租开发产品财务会计
  • 10[多选题] 在县(市)及其以下地区设立贷款公司,其注册资本为实缴资本,最低限额不包括( )万元人民币 A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60消费心理学
  • 下面关于信息泄露,说法正确的是() A. 当信息加密后,在信息的传输和存储过程中就不再会发生信息泄露 B. 信息的泄露只在信息的存储过程中发生 C. 信息的泄露只在信息的传输过程中发生 D. 信息的泄露在信息的传输和存储过程中都会发生 计算机统考