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 国家开放大学 / 管理英语4



Create a Positive Workplace Culture

In competitive markets, leaders are under increased pressure to maintain a positive work culture. A positive work culture cultivates greater employee satisfaction; greater employee satisfaction contributes to higher performance; higher performance impacts improved client outcomes; improved client outcomes contribute to service excellence. 

Positive work cultures are built over time and need constant attention. Such cultures are dependent on leadership vision and values.

An effective leader sets the tone for the team, encourages a positive workplace culture and is able to bring about cultural change.

Workplace culture is made up of the shared attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, values and expectations that influence the way people work in the workplace.  It is “the way we do things around here”.

Some cultural aspects are understood by all and are obvious such as turning up for wok on time, while others may be "unwritten rules" that are not so obvious for example how personal issues are resolved with work colleagues.

Many factors that influence whether a workplace has a positive outlook are within the control of people who work in a workplace.  There are also factors out of their control, such as slumps in global prices or a change in demand and supply. The company can, however, control how they respond to these factors.

Those companies that do create positive workplace environments develop a reputation in their community as being ‘good to work for' and have a competitive edge. Not only are these companies more able to attract and retain people, they tend to be more stable as they proactively deal with issues and adapt to change.

Teams work best when they are clear about what is expected of them. They are more able to deal with difficult issues if they feel the values of the organization are supportive of them.

For a workplace culture to be positive, the direction and actions of the business must be consistent with the core values of the people in the workplace. The people must trust each other and be able to openly express and exchange ideas.

Working through these steps will help with developing a positive business culture.



1. A positive work culture will give workers more satisfaction.


2. Positive cultures have a lot to do with leadership vision and values.


3. The direction and actions for the business must differ from the core values of the employees in order for a workplace culture to be positive.


4. In competitive markets, leaders are under more and more pressure to keep a positive work culture.


5. Positive work culture can be built in a short period of time.



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