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 国家开放大学 / 国际贸易原理

  • [名词解释题] 相似工况抛物线上各点的( )都是相等的。水泵与水泵站
  • I don't know _ _ _ _ to deal with such matter. A、 what B、 how C、 whichever D、 which英语(二)
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Jacks is the name of a game that is quite popular with children. To play jacks, you will need a small rubber ball and ten small metal objects called jacks.The rules for this game are not very difficult. To begin, you put the ten jacks on the floor or ground in front of you. Throw the ball up (but not too high), pick up one jack, and then catch the ball. Keep the jack in your hand and then continue to pick up the other jacks one at a time. You lose your turn if you do not catch the ball, you do not pick up a jack, or you drop any jacks from your hand.When you finish all ten jacks, you now try to do the same thing again but with two jacks at one time. This is more difficult of course. You lose your turn if you make any of the other three mistakes or if you do not pick up exactly two jacks each time.1、 To play the game, you will need a rubber band and ten small iron objects. A. F B. T 2、 The rules for playing jacks are quite difficult. A. Y B. F 3、 You have to pick up two jacks each time after you finish the first ten jacks successfully. A. F B. T 4、 Many children like the game very much. A. F B. T 5、 The rules for the game will become more practical after you pick up the first ten jacks. A. F B. T统考英语B
  • [单选题] 同时适合干法粉碎和湿法粉碎的设备是 A.球磨机 B.锤击式粉碎机 C.冲击柱式粉碎机 D.圆盘式气流粉碎机药剂学
  • 2[单选题] 淮南文学群体中仅存的一篇辞赋是淮南小山的 A.《吊屈原赋》 B.《长杨赋》 C.《招隐士》 D.《逐贫赋》中国古代文学专题
  • 自我参照效应支持 A.双重存储模型 B. 加工水平途径 C.Tulving(1972)的情节和语义记忆模型 D.平行分布加工途径 E.认知心理学