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28. 参照群体的影响方式包括( )
  • 24、某企业20×7年3月31日,乙存货的实际成本为100万元,加工该存货至完工产成品估计还将发生成本为20万元,估计销售费用和相关税费为2万元,估计用该存货生产的产成品售价110万元。假定乙存货月初“存货跌价准备”科目余额为0,20×7年3月31日应计提的存货跌价准备为( )万元。 A. -10 B. 0 C. 10 D. 12中级会计学
  • 15、雷击线路时,线路绝缘不发生闪络的最大雷电流幅值称为(      )。 A. 地面落雷密度 B. 耐雷水平 C. 雷击跳闸率 D. 击杆率高电压技术
  • 36. 在谈判的磋商阶段,不能阻止对方进攻的策略有()   A、亮底牌策略   B、期限策略   C、权力限制策略   D、不开先例策略中石油
  • 设置自动喷水灭火系统的建筑物,不需要设置消火栓系统。建筑设备
  • 按照承受载荷的不同轴分哪几种?各承受什么载荷?试各举一例说明。机械设计
  • 1. While the train _ _ _ _ _ _ (still move), a great many men suddenly jumped out. I thought that something terrible was happening, so I ran away.2. I’d rather you _ _ _ _ _ _ (give) me a new one instead of having the old one repaired as you did.3. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he _ _ _ _ _ _ (plant) 2000.4. It is highly desirable that every effort _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) to reduce expenditure.5. It’s just struck midnight. It’s time we _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to bed.6. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so upset that I don’t think he really _ _ _ _ _ (know) what he was saying. 7. Don’t you remember _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) him at my house?8. It took me two hours _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) my homework.9.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _ _ _ _ _ _ (increase) greatly.10. He is squatting beside a notice which _ _ _ _ _ _ (read) “No smoking”.大学英语语法