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 河南成教 / 交通工程基础

[单选题] 按交通规划研究的地区范围不同,可分为国家级交通运输规划、城市交通规划和 [ ]




  • 题型描述: 阅读理解M. Gregory Gale is one of the few people in England who are 100 years old, but this is not the only thing that makes him remarkable. On the day of his birthday, he played a game of tennis and went for a long walk. A few days later a radio reporter came to his house and asked him if he had any “secrets of long life”. This is what Mr. Gale said.“No, I don’t know any ‘secrets’ like that, but there are a few simple rules of good life. I’ve always kept them all my life. The first is this: ‘Don’t listen to those fools who tell you that you have to give up all the pleasures of life!’ That’s absolute nonsense!”“The second is to enjoy all the pleasures of life in moderation. For instance, I’ve always smoked a few good cigars every day. Not many, mind you! Only two or three! I’ve also always drunk a little good wine with my meals, perhaps two or three glasses.”“The third rule is to take a little exercise every day. I’ve always taken a little every day and on Saturdays I’ve always played a little tennis.”1、 There are many people who are 100 years old in England. A. T B. F 2、 M. Gregory Gale played tennis and went for a walk on his 100th birthday. A. T B. F 3、 M. Gregory Gale has some “secrets of long life”. A. F B. T 4、 M. Gregory Gale smokes and drinks. A. F B. T 5、 M. Gregory Gale plays tennis every day. A. T B. F统考英语B
  • 架立钢筋同支座负筋的搭接长度为:( ) 钢筋工程量计算
  • 33[填空题] 担保的产生源于_____对债务人的不信任。建筑法规与合同管理
  • 用快捷键退出word的最快方法是( ) A. ESC B. ALT F C. CTRL F4 D. ALT F4 计算机统考
  • 甲(男)与乙登记结婚,育有一女丙。因家庭琐事发生纠纷,甲遂带着女儿回老家生活。在此期间,甲长期殿打、虐待、强奸丙。在此期间,妻子乙另有新欢,从未看望过丙,亦未支付抚养费。后丙流落街头。另查明,甲父母已去世,无兄弟姐妹。乙肢体三级残疾,其亲属均不愿抚养丙。请回答:该区民政局能否以甲、乙不适宜履行抚养义务为由,提起诉讼,请求撤销二人对丙的监护?民法总论
  • [单选题] 城市空气中污染物质中,数量最多的是() A.粉尘 B.二氧化硫 C.氯气 D.氟化氢景观设计概论