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 高等继续教育 / 素质教育专题

题型描述: 单选题
  • 22[计算题] 某企业期末资产负债表如下所示: 资产 期末数 权益 期末数 货币资金 25000 应付账款 应收账款净额 应交税金 25000 存货 长期负债 固定资产净值 294000 实收资本 300000 未分配利润 总计 432000 总计  已知:期末流动比率是1.5,期末资产负债率50%,存货周转次数4.5次,本期销售成本是 315000元,期初存货等于期末存货。  要求,利用以上数据,分别计算期初、期末存货数,应收账款净额,应付账款,长期负债数,未分配利润. 财务管理
  • 共摸抑制比KCMR越大,表明电路_________。模拟电子技术
  • 2、11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ government, not by each state. A. federal B.figure C.scientific D.service 12.He works in our university as a visiting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional B.scholar C.nurse D.pilot 13.When you fill in the application form, please use your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address so that we can contact you easily later. A. policy B.plain C.permanent D.principal 14.John _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude. A. pretends B.assures C.affords D.melts 15.We can not trust him any more because he often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his duty. A. owes B.spoils C.deserts D.neglects 16.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. facilities B.hens C.votes D.artists 17.When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. surface B.atmosphere C.attitude D.bent 18.This river forms a natural _ _ _ _ _ _ _ between China and Korea. A. boundary B.string C.spot D.zone 19.She is already 16years old. But she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as if she were still a little girl. A. believes B.absorbs C.accrses D.behaves 20.We are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester. A. distinguished B.annoyed C.astonished D.scored英语(二)
  • 气管前筋膜不包裹的结构有人体解剖学(基础医学)
  • 某女,32岁,初小文化,已婚,乡村干部。2年前行绝育术,手术顺利;但在术中,患者回忆说听到医生说了一句“夹断了”的话。之后即感到全身无力,出现双腿不能走路,曾经过针灸等治疗而有所好转,但某日听及另一医生说“半年不下床,好腿也会瘫的”后病情又逐渐加重以至双腿不能活动。既往史、家族史及生长发育无特殊,病前性格争强好胜。神经系统检查未见深浅反射异常,未引出病理征。实验室检查未见明显异常。该患者的诊断应考虑精神病学
  • 在建筑立面图中,建筑物的外轮廓线应采用粗实线绘制。建筑CAD