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 国家开放大学 / 中国文学基础

宋代末年,方回提出江西诗派“一祖三宗”之说,其中三宗指的是( )
  • 31[多选题] 建设工程监理应遵守严格管理、热情服务的原则,其基本内涵是(   ). A.严格执行国家法律法规及规范,为工程建设参与方提供智力服务 B.严格按合同控制建设工程目标 C.按既定的程序和制度,对承建单位进行严格监理 D.按委托监理合同为业主提供良好的服务,维护业主的正当权益水利工程监理概论
  • 在建的建筑工程因故中止施工的, 建设单位应当自中止施工之日起 1 个月内, 向发证机关报告, 并按照规定做好建筑工程的维护管理工作。( )建设法规
  • 提示 请从右侧拖入合适的答案 brain an organ of the body that controls thought and feeling mind the faculty of thinking, reasoning, or feeling memory the ability to remember identity the way a person is recognizable as a member of a particular group personality the qualities of a person specific to him or her insight the power of using one’s mind (especially the right brain) to understand something suddenly knowledge understanding that comes from experience and learning logic thinking and reasoning with formal methods peer a person of equal status or age co-worker a person who works in the same place as another 答案池 the ability to remember the power of using one’s mind (especially the right brain) to understand something suddenly the qualities of a person specific to him or her a person who works in the same place as another understanding that comes from experience and learning thinking and reasoning with formal methods an organ of the body that controls thought and feeling a person of equal status or age the faculty of thinking, reasoning, or feeling the way a person is recognizable as a member of a particular group高级英语阅读(2)
  • 贷款五级分法将贷款按风险发生的可能性分为( )。正常、关注、逾期、可疑、损失正常、逾期、呆滞、呆账、损失正常、逾期、次级、关注、损失正常、关注、次级、可疑、损失金融基础知识
  • 夫妻(准夫妻)双方申请办理夫妻财产约定协议公证,应当共同向公证机构提出,可以委托他人代理 仲裁与公证
  • 刚弹性方案房屋的内力计算步骤有哪些?混凝土结构设计与砌体结构设计(下)