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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 英语对话
A: Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?
B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .A.Idonˊtknow
  • 霍乱病人排泄物的特点: A、 脓血便 B、 水样便 C、 米泔水样便 D、 果酱样便 E、 柏油样便病原生物学
  • 机器人三原则中最重要的是?A.机器人不得伤害人类B.机器人必须服从人类的命令C.机器人必须保护自己D.机器人必须不得伤害机器人工业机器人技术
  • 实变函数
  • Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. 1 , medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking 2 the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not. In fact, non-smokers who must involuntarily inhale (吸入) the air 3 by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers 4 . Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films 5 in laboratories 6 there may be a fire hazard (危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good 7 . I am 8 asking you to maintain "No-Smoking" in classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the 9 health in mind, which is very important to a large 10 of our students. (1)(1分)A、StillB、FurtherC、MoreD、Again(2)(1分)A、inB、toC、onD、with(3)(1分)A、pollutingB、be polluted C、pollutedD、to be polluted(4)(1分)A、themB、themselvesC、their ownD、they(5)(1分)A、andB、butC、as well asD、also(6)(1分)A、whereB、whichC、thatD、how(7)(1分)A、feelingB、senseC、realizeD、think(8)(1分)A、soB、nextC、thereforeD、and(9)(1分)A、non-smokersB、non-smokers'' C、non-smoker''sD、non-smoker(10)(1分)A、number B、amountC、manyD、much新发展英语综合教程(二)
  • 《物业管理条例》第四十四条规定物业管理企业可以根据业主的委托提供物业服务合同约定以外的服务项目,服务报酬由双方约定。我们这里所说的综合经营服务就是特指这种物业服务合同约定的特约服务。 物业管理
  • (单选题) How does the author think about Clifford’s words? A、humorous, correct, simpleB、ridiculous, incorrect, ludicrousC、wise, plain, correctD、stupid, useless, incorrect英语