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 河南成教 / 影像诊断学

  • As the plane took off from Gatwick, Mr and Mrs Malloy sat back with a sign of pleasure. They had thought they had 1 been able to get away on this holiday, their first holiday alone, without the 2 , since their honeymoon. They had had to ask Mrs Malloy's mother to look after Freddic and George, their 3 , while a neighbour had agreed to 4 Annabelle, their cat, for their two-week holiday. 5 there had been the problem of taking their leave from work at the 6 time, all the trouble of getting their 7 and make sure the 8 was clear what Annabelle liked to eat. 9 they had wondered whether it was all worthwhile. But they were 10 on a plane heading for Spain. (1)(1分)A、never B、alsoC、alwaysD、fairly(2)(1分)A、friendsB、parentsC、servantsD、family(3)(1分)A、studentsB、childrenC、daughtersD、uncles(4)(1分)A、teach B、punish C、treatD、take care of(5)(1分)A、First B、ThenC、ButD、So(6)(1分)A、rightB、veryC、sameD、last(7)(1分)A、auntB、grandmotherC、fatherD、nurse(8)(1分)A、children B、neighbourC、catD、parents(9)(1分)A、SometimesB、SeldomC、LittleD、Though(10)(1分)A、actuallyB、in factC、at lastD、no wonder新发展英语综合教程(二)
  • A商行于1月10日与海外B公司订立了一份FOB合同。合同规定3月底以前装运。A商行在3月15日将货物运到装运港等待装运,但一直到装运期结束,买方也未派船到达装运港。之后,货物在码头因淋雨而损失一半。为此,A商行向B公司要求赔偿。但B公司得到信息后称,FOB条件下货物的风险是在装上船时才转移给买方,现在货物并未装船,所以自己不能承担该批货物的损失。试问:根据有关国际贸易规则,B公司的理由是否成立?为什么?国际贸易实务
  • 下列选项中审查应收账款是否真实、准确,最重要和具有决定意义的方法是(      ) 。 审计实务
  • 静脉血分流入动脉可造成( )。病理学与病理生理学
  • 汽车电控模块正常工作电压是 汽车电气设备
  • 互换交易的主要作用是()。国际金融